Dogit Large Deluxe Nail Clipper 大甲鉗

型號: H91256

HK$114.00 積分換購 : 114分
10 積分回贈


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About Le Salon
The Le Salon line from Hagen features a wide variety of pet grooming products including shampoos, brushes and clippers, all backed by over fifty years of experience and innovation. Rolf C. Hagen Inc., founded as a one-man operation in Montreal, Canada in 1955, now boasts wholly owned subsidiaries in England, France, Germany, Malaysia and the United States plus operates an avian and an aquatic research center. While Rolf C. Hagen Inc. has evolved into one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of pet goods worldwide, it remains a family business with a dedication to providing superior, reasonably-priced products for dogs, cats, birds and more.


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