
Petalive FCV Protect for Cat Respiratory Problems 擴張氣道,改善打噴嚏、鼻塞、眼水過多 20g

型號: PFCV001S

HK$309.00 積分換購 : 309分
5 積分回贈


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關鍵字 Petalive FCV Protect for Cat Respiratory Problems 擴張氣道,改善打噴嚏、鼻塞、眼水過多20g

PetAlive FCV Protect 可幫助寵物擴張氣道,改善經常打噴嚏、鼻塞、眼水過多的症狀,令寵物的呼吸系統回復健康狀態。

** 寵物需於出生最少 12 個星期後才可服用此產品;懷孕的寵物亦可放心服用。

** 如服用後沒有改善,請盡快與獸醫聯絡。


Homeopathic medicine temporarily relieves common FCV symptoms

Relieves watery eyes, sneezing, and nasal congestion in cats

Alleviates respiratory irritations and promotes easier breathing

Supports joint and muscle health

Promotes immune system health

Symptoms of Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

Feline calicivirus can occur when your cat comes into contact with the discharge from an infected cat. This can mean airborne droplets from sneezing, eating from a contaminated food bowl, or using the same bedding or litter tray as a cat already with FCV. It can be seen after a new kitten is introduced into a home, and FCV can spread quickly in a cat shelter, hospital, or home with multiple pets, making excellent hygiene and cleanliness vital.

FCV is typically characterized by upper respiratory symptoms and occasionally arthritis. Other common symptoms and possible signs of FCV include: Discharge and redness of the eyes, sneezing, runny nose, mouth ulcers, a lack of appetite due to blocked nasal passages inhibiting sense of smell, joint pain, lethargy, and, in some cases, symptoms of a fever.

When a feline’s immune system is compromised the mouth, nasal passages, sinuses and upper airways can be affected, breathing can become hampered, and airways can become increasingly blocked and congested.

Natural Treatment for Symptoms of Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

FCV Protect™ is a safe, effective, non-addictive natural remedy made of 100% homeopathic ingredients. Formulated by our team of experts in natural medicine, FCV Protect™ helps to temporarily relieve symptoms commonly associated with feline calicivirus (FCV) such as sneezing, nasal discharge, watery eyes, and respiratory discomfort in cats and kittens.

FCV Protect™ is a powerful homeopathic formulation for addressing eye and nasal discharge and respiratory problems. Using a unique, proprietary blend of highly diluted natural substances, FCV Protect™ helps to relieve symptoms like loss of appetite, muscle and joint lameness, and blocked sinuses. It is made completely safe for kittens and pregnant queens with no risk to unborn kittens.

To learn more about this product's individual natural ingredients, click the ""INGREDIENTS"" tab above.

FCV Protect™ is available in two convenient forms, dissolvable granules or spray, to suit your pet's preference. Both forms are easy to administer: The pleasant-tasting granules can be sprinkled in food or on your pet's tongue and rapidly absorbed in the mouth, while the spray can be administered directly into your pet’s mouth or sprayed on their food or water. Respo-K™, a homeopathic medicine for respiratory support, is a great complementary remedy to KC-Defense™.

Other Treatments for Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

Help support your cat's well-being with these tips:

Separate cats showing signs of FCV from other cats in the house, and feed them separately

Use litter boxes and bowls that can be easily disinfected, such as glass or stainless steel

Wash and disinfect hands after handling an affected cat

Provide adequate ventilation and control humidity and temperature

Keep your cat as stress-free as possible

Hand-feed the cat if necessary, using strong-smelling, slightly warmed food

When a cat’s immune system is fighting infections, supportive care is usually needed. A holistic approach is the best way to contribute to your pet's general health, and there are many ways in which respiratory health can be encouraged. Natural ingredients can offer relief while supporting overall health and systemic functioning, promoting wellness and vitality every day.

What are the ingredients?

FCV Protect is 100% homeopathic, contains these ingredients, and has the following indications (purposes): Allium cepa 30C HPUS, Borax 30C HPUS, Phos 30C HPUS, Pulsatilla 30C HPUS.

  • Allium cepa 30C HPUS: sneezing, copious watery and acrid nasal discharge, hay fever, upper respiratory mucosa, cough.
  • Borax 30C HPUS: hacking cough, expectoration, stitches in the chest, mucus.
  • Phos 30C HPUS: larynx very painful, cough, congestion of lungs, pulmonary congestion.
  • Pulsatilla 30C HPUS: stoppage in the evening, yellow mucus, cough with expectoration, yellow or greenish yellow, thick non irritating discharge.

Directions for Use 使用方

只需將一小撮 PetAlive FCV Protect 藥粉灑在寵物舌頭上,並合上寵物口部,直至藥粉溶解。
每天使用 1 次,連續使用 3 天。
** 若寵物的症狀劇烈,可每 2 小時使用 1 次。 

Simply sprinkle a handful of PetAlive FCV Protect powder on the pet's tongue and close the pet's mouth until the powder dissolves.
Use once daily for 3 consecutive days.
** If your pet has severe symptoms, it can be used every 2 hours.


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