Natural Code

Natural Code

Joy and colour

Joy and Colour is our way to represent what we are and our values, Natural Code's world is made with joy and color. We believe that pets make our lives more exciting, like a rainbow appearing in the sky. The better thing we can do to thank them is to take care of them the better we can. Since 2010, thinking about cats and dogs' welfare, we have been creating high quality pet food.

We also believe in cooperation and sharing. This is why we started a community of Pet Lovers, people that, just like us, care about animals, no matter their color, breed or temperament.

Raw materials

Each production phase of Natural Code pet food products is taken care of in every step. The quality of the raw materials is fundamental: each ingredient used for our products is processed with the utmost care, taking care that the raw materials are enhanced at their best, also in terms of colour, scent and texture.

We are the first to strictly pursue a high quality level of the final product. To this end, we submit our recipes dedicated to pets to the rigorous analysis of university researchers. The raw materials are treated with the utmost respect for their nutritional components, without the addition of artificial flavours, colours or preservatives.

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